Rina Calahatian

Crewing Superintendent

Rina Calahatian

I believe a crewing team is at the heart of every ship management company as we are in charge of all our seafarers joining our fleet. Dealing with seafarers, our day to day tasks are time sensitive. Every minute counts, from planning crew changes to informing vessel and updating our internal departments. The most interesting part of my job is dealing with seafarers and port agents around the world which is a very interesting experience. It gives me the opportunity to know different cultures and traditions – I have been lucky enough to gain friends through my work.


Rina Calahatian

我认为,船员团队是每个船舶管理公司的核心,因为我们负责所有加入舰队的海员。我们经常与海员打交道,日常工作对时效有高要求。每一分钟都很重要,从规划船员变更到通知船只和更新内部部门。 我工作中最有趣的部分是与世界各地的海员和港口代理机构打交道,是非常有趣的经历。这样的经历让我有机会了解不同的文化和传统——我很幸运,能在工作中结识很多朋友。